Proudly Supporting Clean Fleece NY

Did you know the closest commercial scouring (wool washing) facility is in South Carolina - more than 700 miles away?

The Empire Sheep Producers Association is proud to support Clean Fleece New York in creating a solution!

Our local farm-to-fashion community is growing. The greatest barrier to industry expansion in the region is cleaning natural fibers to be made into yarn, roving and other products.  The Hudson Valley Textile Project is raising money to match funds received through a FuzeHub Manufacturing Grant, and funds pledged by the Empire Sheep Producers Association, to purchase new technologically-advanced, energy-saving fiber scouring equipment; and to establish a new stand-alone scouring facility.

The scouring facility will create manufacturing jobs, support our local farms, and provide natural materials to be used by local artisans and makers. Once operational, the scouring line with be self-supporting financially and have a far-reaching impact in rural economies.

For updates on this project visit:

To contribute to the cause:


How to Become NYS Grown & Certified


RPI Researchers To Develop New Market for Farm Waste